Some stuff about me

About Me

My first programming gig was while working as a techie, fixing computers etc. A client came into the shop one day, he asked me about having a web-based invoicing system. At that stage I’ve been programming for fun in Delphi and never anything for the web…

At home we were busy planning our wedding so I needed all the money I could get. I told the client I’d be able to help him and asked him to come back a week later for a quote  (Back then a week was fine for something like that). During that week a researched everything I needed to know and quoted my first client what I was making working as a techie for a year, and he accepted. From there I taught myself HTML, CSS (JavaScript basically didn’t exist), PHP (I had to get a book back then because I didn’t have an internet connection at home) and MySQL and created him his online invoicing system. It took me about two months to complete the system working every day after work and over weekends.

I did make a few mistakes in the database design (I didn’t add primary keys, the product names were the keys), but I could fix the problems before they became a big deal.

This is a promise: During the 2010 Soccer World Cup this client got the contract to supply all the Pies to all the stadiums. His business boomed, but the amazing part is, this client still uses this same online invoicing system 19 Years later. Over the years I did do some updates, but nothing major. He had never gotten rid of any data, so it is running with 19 years of data and he’s been creating plus minus
30 000 invoices per month. He is also now running multiple Branches  all over the country now.

Because it was web-based from the beginning it worked out great for him.

I’m not sure how many of my very old systems are still running somewhere in some dungeon but it might be a few.

But I can say with 100% certainty that the very first system I ever programmed still runs today 19 years later and aiming for the 20-year mark.
From there I applied for a dev position and got my first programming job and I’ve been doing that and loving it ever since

What's playing in my Lab...

We call him our Unicorn, "He's makes the impossible possible"

  • Branded Internet: Award for most innovative
  • webAlly: Award for best electronic publication
  • FGX Studios: Unicorn Award for making the impossible possible
  • Vane Systems: Award for most innovative
  • City Lodge Hotel Group: Fixed the client rewards system after being faulty for years
  • Tribake: Invoicing system running for 19 years going on 20
  • USAID: Awarded tender and created financial system for the PEPFAR project managing $400 Million a year



Custom Development

Even though  I do love it when I get the change to create a great looking marketing style website, I don’t often get the chance. I’ve been focusing on developing custom backend systems, API’s and BI tools, Monitoring and automation. Process management, Fleet management, ERP, CRM’s, Financial systems including a system for USAID on the PEPFAR Project. I’ve been developing these systems with just about all the popular web technologies

My Clients

My clients range from individuals, small business, Corporate, Enterprise, Municipalities to Governments

Hosted on my development server