My Productive Space


Most web applications will eventually live on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or shared hosting or some Linux based system. So to get as close to the actual environment I’ve adopted to work completely in the cloud. On my cloud server I run the following

But what makes all the difference is:

VS Code Server

– VS Code Sever runs on my server but is served in my browser.
– When I create a Docker container I add VS Code Server to my container to have window to underlying  stack
– When I have to run commands on a terminal I use VS Code Server’s built in Terminal
– When I write documentation I use VS Code Sever


Deploying a website use to be filled with compatibility issues but by coding directly on the same environment as production and with the help of VS Code Server and Docker all of those problems disappear.

Lab Gear

I’m running two Virtual Private Servers hosted at IONOS, 100/100Mbps Uncapped Fiber Connection

Operating System

CentOS 8




512 GB SSD


1TB Backup to OneDrive